Hope In Christ Statement:
"Where is God leading us in the next chapters
of our ministry together?"

Interim Information & Hope in Christ Up-Dates (September 2018)

We have completed our Hope in Christ Studies.
Planning our Future: Begins now. Our members of our Guide Team met as our Transition Team and began our work on our behalf with the council and congregation. We began to prioritize our four goals that were established during our meetings. We have chosen two goals to begin our transition ministry. We will focus on P I E (We love Jesus, we love PIE (People, Including Everyone) and on our Worship (Music) (Celebrate Uplifting Musical Worship). We will continue to share updates with you and exciting new ways in which we can incorporate our goals of Ministry.

Hope In Christ (July 2018)

Our Guide Team has completed their independent study meetings. On June 18
th, the Guide Team and Church Council met with Pr. Peter Soli to review Our Assessment and our Vision Documents. From this meeting, four established goals were established. These four goals will be the center of our conversation as a congregation with Pr. Soli. Please note the date of our second meeting. We encourage everyone to take this opportunity for conversation with him. Thank you.
What: Congregational Meeting
When: Sunday, July 22
nd after worship @ 10:00 a.m.
Where: Calvary’s Sanctuary
Why: 1. for the congregation to meet Pastor Soli
         2. for Pastor Soli to reaffirm the Guide Team’s work through our Hope in              Christ partnership
         3. and to review the congregation’s current situation, present goals, and talk              about where we want to go.
         4. ** BONUS of a Mexican themed pot-luck following the meeting!!! **

Interim Information & Hope in Christ Up-Dates (January 2018)

On February 6
th, Pr. Peter Soli was present to introduce the Hope in Christ program to members of our Guide Team. This is the program that will enable us to discern our future ministry. We will continue to provide information for everyone as we proceed with our studies, through Temple Talks on Sunday mornings, small group and large group meetings. We will also provide information in our newsletter, on a bulletin board and also on our church website.

Our Hope in Christ Guide Team met on Tuesday 27
th. In this first meeting we established some of the individual goals we would like to accomplish. We also discussed anticipated questions that may arise within the congregation during this study time. We will provide a sheet of paper for members to write questions for our Guide Team. We will be using our worship services for this task. We received from Pr. Soli a “Congregation Sustainability Assessment” form which we will be completing in the near future. We also received a “Hope in Christ Vision Questionnaire” which will be completed first by our Guide Team members and then offered to the congregation. These two forms are our “tools” for our study and assessment. We will also be sharing information with the congregation as the study progresses. Our next meeting will be Monday, March 19th. If you have any questions for us, you may contact one our committee members and we will address them at the meeting. Our members: Bob Diesch, Lucille Doss, Scott Kittleson, Paulette Nelson, Heather Pasbrig and Brian Tryhus, with Carol Reedstrom and Pr. Gerry Giese as advisors.